
North East, Yorkshire & Humber Region


The North East, Yorkshire & Humber Region is one of seven GMB regions that make up the national organisation with over half a million general members employed in workplaces and organisations across the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We are the only major trade union in the country that has increased its membership year on year without resorting to amalgamation or merger like others.

Our Purpose

school_support_pic_thumb.jpgWe work to improve the quality of life and provide new opportunities for all our members and their families. We aim to improve the lives of GMB members and make sure that their achievements lead the way for working people in Britain and across the world.

Every GMB member should have the opportunity to discover and develop their talents. All our members should enjoy work that is fulfilling and rewarding.

We Will:

  • work with employers who are aware of future possibilities, and negotiate useful and beneficial agreements that help to achieve our purpose
  • work to widen the understanding of employers whose experiences, knowledge and aims are more limited
  • aim to end exploitation, discrimination and injustice
  • persuade non-members to join, encourage members to become active and help active members to take full part in the life of GMB. In particular, we will recruit and help develop young people so that we improve their lives and protect the future of the GMB and our values
  • train local representatives to represent GMB members in a skilled and professional way, so that they win respect for their members, us and themselves
  • recruit members through providing an outstanding service to working people and their families, encouraging people to stay with us for their whole lives. We aim to achieve the reputation as the best trade union in Europe
  • create an atmosphere of teamwork in which every GMB office holder and employee will feel personally responsible for achieving our purpose.


Our Aims:

  • to recruit, organise and represent all workers
  • to regulate relations between employees and employers and between employees themselves
  • to maintain and improve wages and conditions, and make employment as secure as possible and promote industrial democracy
  • to achieve and maintain equal pay for women, promote equal opportunities within the union, the workplace and society in general, and end discrimination against people because of their sex, race, nationality, religious beliefs, disability, age, marital status or sexuality
  • to provide benefits (including legal help) to members in line with our rules
  • to promote training and educating members in relation to the activities they carry out on our behalf, and to provide scholarships to educational institutions for members, in line with conditions set out by the Central Executive Council
  • to promote or support legislation in the interests of members, especially those laws relating to legal rights of trade unions, industrial health, safety and welfare, social and economic welfare and environmental protection
  • to help elect members to Parliament and public authorities who promote our policies and the interests of members through political methods, providing the candidates are pledged to collective ownership, under democratic control, of the means of production, distribution and exchange
  • to promote the social, moral and intellectual interests of our members.

For further details and/or a copy of the GMB rule book please contact your local GMB office or download a copy which can be found in the Members Area of this site.


About us

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